Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

happy love

its crazy, i never thought i can in love with this guy..everything was going so fast
when he found me on line and the day we met, he told me that we are connected from day one
but i still not sure, but now i know that we are really connected, i never felt this way before, even with
my real first ex bf (i should be careful using "lover" words) or people who knows englis very well can think i slept with my ex..hahaha..

back to my stories, love stories..maybe i mention words "connected" to often, but thats really what i felt about this person, he even know my parfume taste before we met, and when we talk its like we know each other for so long, and the way he look at me..ow my god!! i really dont know how to describe in one words
even my frenz felt his kindess...

mmh..when i talk about him, my cheeck blush and even go red, he make me laugh, he not make me cry yet..buti dont know what in the future will happend, and best part is, he is real..he gaves me two my fav things like chocolate and parfume, i hope he is nice person like what i thought..aminn

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