Senin, 18 Agustus 2008

what mature really are...

seberenyta apa sih dewasa itu??gw tau umur seseorang gak menjamin kedewasaan..yeah i heard a lot about that, tapi apa mungkin emang gw belom dewasa??gw belom bisa face reality atau apa..temen gw she was wrote a lot of comment about what i wrote, but i didnt read it..even one word..i just deleted bec i know what she will wrote to me dan gw sengaja nulis ini di sini...who knows she still intersting with me, then she read gak baca karena..what she wrote to me..must be something deep and make me feel more guilty to her, jadi i choose not to read it, even i a bit i turn into MEAN GIRL???

mungkin memang iya, gw belom berubah..truss gw mikir lagi emang gw harus berubah seperti apa???mungkin some people hate my thought..too many "mungkin" words on this page, karena emang gw gak ngerti harus ngapain, gw jalanin apa aja yg gw suka, gw lakuin apa aja yg gw mau, i do care about ppl around me and i love them..apa gw selfish??wich part??ahaaaaa still playing around with my sill harus berubah jadi gimana?/i dont even know it..i know my self and i love my self, sometimes i dont care what people think about me..tapi gw belajar dari pengalaman gw yg haruss mikirin apa yg orang bilang ttg gw, karena gw tau itu bakalan jadi masukan yg baguss buat diri gw, today and in the future....i really dont know what to do..have no fix this things..

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