Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Great years 2010

wowwww, udah mau ganti tahun lagi aja, time flies!!
gw gak pernah bikin resolusi ini itu untuk tahun depan, i dont have plan, i just enjoy what i've got and be happy...
pikiran gw itu very simple (yeahh mulai english zigzag) gak apa apa deh aah.

Tapi gw bersyukur atas apa yang gw udah dapetin di tahun 2010 ini, almost no tears di tahun ini, alhamdullilah
semuanya menyenangkan buat gw.

  • Kenal fashion bloger handal like Diana rikasari, Michele K & Michele H, Evita Nuh (even belom in person tapi we in touch), belom lagi fashion bloger dari eropa like Dylana, Miera dan masih banyak lagi
  •  Punya fashion bloger pages di majalah tempat gw kerja ( you know where kan guys) ;)
  • Di percaya sama my very gorgeous boss (mbak diba) buat bikin Fashion pages ini dan itu, even tired sometimes but am soo happy, the fires still on for fashion!!
  •  teaching Aneka Modeling school, even cuma sekali sekalinya, but thank you for the chance
  • Jadi speakers for Fashion bloger workshop
  • Judge for Fashion kids ( superb Fun experience )
  • Attending Jakarta fashion week for the second time.
  • Get A LOT Free fashion stuff like shoes, bag, accesories, tees ect!!need to tell you, selama jadi fashion stylist gw jarang belanja..hihi!! lucky!! alhamdullilah
  • Stay close with my besties Dina,Kiki, Dewi,  best friends i ever had girls
  • Jerawat gw ilang taun ini hahahaha!! Means a lot to me inih
  • Punya new family and very great Team, Mas Ade, Nisa botsky (even now only me and mas ade)
  • Pasang Behel..hahahaha
  • Have great network
  • Try to Drive, even still have no nerve 
Thank you god, for making me like this, and choose this way for me, without your guide i wouldnt be like today.....

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